What to do when you have writer’s block

Sometimes my brain is like that factory in "I Love Lucy," spitting out ideas so quickly that I can barely keep up.

And sometimes my mind is a desolate wasteland.

Both are normal.

Today my brain is a wasteland. I mostly want to put on sweatpants, grab my fuzziest blanket, and binge watch something really trashy.

So I'm turning this into a post for you. 

A brain that goes blank isn't always a "Freeze" response. 
Sometimes you're just tired. 

And that's okay.

What's NOT okay is pitching a tent in the wasteland for an extended stay.

Cause you’ve got stuff to do and GENIUS to share!!!

Here are some Do's and Don'ts to keep the ideas moving


  • Freak out

  • Think you're never going to have another good idea ever again

  • Stare blankly at your computer screen

  • Think about how much it's not working

  • Try to come up with THAT ONE THING people need to hear

  • Go looking for some deep pathological brokenness about you that if you could only find and fix would solve everything and the ideas would flow

  • Consume a bunch of other people’s content, looking for inspiration [Unless this actually works for you. It usually is just a time suck]

  • Look at other people’s content only to compare and despair


  • Ask yourself what you need in that moment. Do you need rest? Do you need a fuzzy blanket and Netflix? Do you need to take messy, imperfect action? Do you need to stop trying to come up with a compelling idea?

  • Give yourself what you need. Maybe it's rest. Maybe it's a swift kick in the pants. If it’s rest, get some rest. If it’s a swift kick, set a timer and start writing down your ideas.

  • Do things that inspire your creativity - Take a walk, listen to music, read a good book, go to the bathroom (I always have good ideas in the bathroom. Is that an overshare? Oh well. We’re all friends here!).

  • Get out of your head and say something that feels true

Just like I don't feel hot and bothered around my husband all the time, you won't be inspired all the time. 

But sometimes the only problem you have is thinking you have a problem.

Sometimes you're just doing work and life with a human brain and it's NBD.

And if you know, deep down, you have genius inside of you waiting to come out if you could only get past the fear, low vibes, and mental blankness - I've got you.

Click here to explore working with me.

You’ve got this, Erica


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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